How to customize your control center on iPhone

Long after the Apple iOS 11 was introduced to Apple fans across the world, the echos of its effect on technology advancement is still resonating. One of the changes brought by the newly introduced Apple iOS is the control center. The control center has been rebuilt to accommodate more features like volume control, music play, camera and more, and yes, it can be customized.

You can customize your control center by choosing the features you want to appear in the control center. This will make sure you have quick access to the added features without the need to unlike your phone.

If, you are using iPhone 5 or below, iPad 4 or below, or running iOS 10 or below, sorry, this post is not for you. To customize your control center, follow the steps below:

You might be interested in Apple releases the Apple iOS 11; see features and how to get it.

>> Click on settings
>> Click on control center
>> Click on customize controls
>> Choose features from those listed in ‘more controls’ to add add them to ‘Incude’

You can rearrange the position of icons in control center by clicking and dragging icons to desired location.
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