Implementing VXLAN over MPLS with Mikrotik

In the ever-evolving landscape of networking technologies, the demand for efficient and scalable solutions has become paramount. It is not just about what is possible. It is about what is affordable! Among the myriad of approaches available, combining MikroTik VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN) with MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) stands out as a robust strategy for enhancing network performance, scalability, and flexibility.

In this post, I would share with you on how to implement VXLAN tunneling over an MPLS network to connect customers’ sites together. This will be a three-layered network architecture: the ospf-powered IP underlay, the MPLS overlay, and the VXLAN tunnels. Ensuring scalability means that the customers are not connected to physical interfaces on the PE routers but are connected logically to vlan-enabled access ports on the edge switches. This way, service providers are able to activate hundreds of thousands of MPLS circuits without running out of router ports.

Understanding Mikrotik VXLAN

VXLAN has gained recognition as a powerful encapsulation technology used to overlay virtualized Layer 2 networks over Layer 3 or, as you would see in this post, MPLS infrastructures. This technology aids in the creation of logical networks, enabling seamless communication between disparate physical locations while maintaining isolation and scalability.

You may also like: Implementing VPLS over MPLS with Mikrotik to connect three offices.

MikroTik, known for its versatile and cost-effective networking solutions, offers VXLAN support within its robust RouterOS software. Leveraging MikroTik’s devices for VXLAN implementation provides a reliable platform for creating virtualized networks that span across traditional network boundaries without breaking the bank.

Implementing VXLAN over MPLS with MikroTik

Combining VXLAN with MPLS offers a potent synergy, allowing for the creation of scalable, efficient, and secure overlay networks. Implementing VXLAN over MPLS with MikroTik involves several key steps: Setting up your IP network (underlay network), setting up your mpls network, configuring VXLAN tunnels, and setting up bridge ports for encapsulation. All these you will find in my easy-to-follows video series on my YouTube channel.

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