Have you used the new Skype? Noticed anything?

Yes, it’s
our job to notice changes to apps, especially if the apps are well-known applications. So, recently Microsoft carried out an upgrade on one of its
applications- Skype, and one of the new features included is the ability to
respond to messages quickly without the need to even open Skype. 

Skype is
one of those applications that run on startup. What that means, is that Skype
starts running the moment you turn on your computer. Now, with the updated
Skype, when you receive a message, it comes with a notification train that
allows you respond to the message quickly without leaving the current
application you are working on.

You can quickly type in your reply and press
the control + enter keys to send. This is really great because you don’t
have to keep your friends/colleagues waiting for replies to their messages simply because you are working on other projects.
obvious upgrade that I have noticed is the inclusion of new built-in message
reactions. Now you can express more emotions by simply clicking on the the
reaction icon next to any message.

If you are yet to upgrade to the latest
version of Skype, please update your Skype for free and enjoy all the benefits that come with
What other
features have you noticed on the new Skype? Please share with us.

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