Double your internet speed. Learn how to use wifi and cellular data at the same time.

What if there is a way to combine the speed of your wifi and your cellular data together to produce an
amazingly super-fast internet speed on your smartphones/tablet devices. Often times we get cranky
over the slowness of our office wifi, especially when we are Whatsapp calls, yet we do not appreciate surfing with our
cellular data when at work. We prefer to update our applications at work simply
because we get to use the office network at no cost to us. But the problem is that, with many employees connected, it becomes slow and unable to produce the desired results. We spend the whole day trying to update a
single app. Well, not anymore. Now you can combine your wifi with your cellular
data to give a super-fast internet speed that will enable you download files speedily and make crimps-clear Whatsapp and Facebook calls at very little
cost to you. Let’s see how it works, below.

combine your cellular data and your wifi, you will need to do the followings:
Download Speedify from your app/play store
Launch the Speedify app 
Click on get started 
Enable location permission 
Choose free 1GB per month or the paid version as you desire 
Enable speedify 

That is all it takes to experience fast internet speed on your mobile device. Just make sure your cellular data is turned on and connect to a wifi. Note that there are other apps on both Apple app store and Google playstore that can do this but I chose to write about Speedify because of its simplicity. 
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