How to enable personal hotspot feature on iPhone

If you have an iPhone, chances are you do not have the option to enable hotspot on it. Well, if you find yourself in this situation, do not let your heart be troubled. You are not alone. iPhones, unlike their Android counterpart, have the hotspot feature disabled by default. What this means is that you must first of all configure it before it can provide you with the option to enable or disable hotspot. So a newly acquired iPhone, will not give the option to enable hotspot until you have gone in and configured the hotspot settings with APN, username and password.

The above image is similar to what you get when the hotspot settings have not been configured. Now lets configure.

>>Click on sittings
>>click on cellular
>>Click on cellular data options
>>Click on cellular data network
>>scroll down to personal hotspot
>>enter any name for the APN, username and password and click on “Reset settings”

At this point, you will be presented with options on how your wifi should be share. Options range from wifi, bluetooth, USB, etc. Choose the one preferable to you, edit the defualt wifi password generated by the phone.

Now, when you go back to settings, the personal hotspot feature is displayed. Click on it and enable it for hotspot. Scan from any any wifi enabled device and connect using the wifi password you set for your hotspot during the hotspot configuration phase. Your hotspot name will show up as iPhone.
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