Moving from an Apple device to an Android device? See how to switch with all your stuff.

I am not advising
you to dump your iPhones and switch to Android phones but if it so happens that
you want to switch from an Apple device to an Android device, you don’t
have to worry about how to move your pictures, videos, contacts and calendar events. It is now easier that you think and I am going to share with

To move your stuffs from iOS to android, you will need to
be connected to the internet and have Google drive installed
on your Apple device.  See details below:
On your Apple device:

>> Download Google drive 
>> Sign into your Google drive account with the
same account used on the Android device.
>> Click on the menu button
>> Click on settings
>> Click on backup 
>> Choose what you want to back up.
>> Click on backup
On your Android device:
>> Sign in with the same Google account used for the
backup on the Apple device and all the stuff backed up earlier on your Apple device will be available on the Android device.
That is how easy it is to switch from an Apple device to an Android device. Thanks for reading and remain safe.

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