How to configure Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn

In this post, I will share with us on how to configure Mikrotik pptp remote access vpn on a Mikrotik router to connect remote users to your network.

Mikrotik has made it possible for you to have a wireless outdoor radio with full routing functions, firewall and VPN capabilities all wrapped into one very inexpensive box, plus, it is very easy to configure. What more can you ask for. When compared to the complexity involved in setting up remote access vpn on other vendor devices, you will appreciate what Mikrotik has done. Mikrotik pptp remote access vpn can be used to connect computers and smartphones to your network and afford them all privileges available to locally connected users.

To connect remote users to my network, I will be using the Mikrotik RB750 to set up Mikrotik pptp remote access vpn. See the steps below.

Also see: Routeros default configuration: should you keep it or delete it?

Make sure all the basic configurations needed for your router to access the internet have been entered, have at least one public IP address for users to dial up to. Having done these little things,lets begin. Follow the steps outlined in the pictures below:

Configuring Mikrotik pptp remote access vpn

Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn

Click on PPP,click on the profile tab, enter any name for the profile, enter the private address on your router LAN interface (this MUST be the interface leading to your private network, the network you want the VPN users to have access to) enter a static address for the user or you can chose from a pool of addresses of you are setting it for more than one user, apply and ok.
Next step:

Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn
Under the secret tab, enter user name, password, service should be PPTP or set to any, select the name of the profile you created in step one above;mine was set to profile1, apply and ok.
Next step:
Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn
Click on PPP,then under the interface tab, click on PPTP server, click enable, select the profile you created in step one, apply and ok.
Next step:
Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn
Here you click on the interface on which you configured the VPN server on (mine was configured on a bridged interface) come down to ARP and choose proxy-arp. If you DO NOT do this, your VPN clients will connect but will not be able to communicate with hosts on the LAN.
Next step:
Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn
Yeah!!! We connected to the VPN server. Now here is what happened. Am using Windows 10. To connect, go to network and sharing centre, click on set up a new connection or network (your computer MUST be connected to the internet) click on connect to a work place, click on no,create a new connection,click next, click on use my internet connection, enter the public address on your VPN server, and following the rest steps;it is easy.


Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn
As you can see, we can ping a local user on the LAN. So guys thats how easy it is to set up VPN on a Mikrotik router. If you have any questions, dont hesitate to drop your comments. Thank you for reading.
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3 thoughts on “How to configure Mikrotik PPTP remote access vpn”

    • Go to the interface on which u configured the vpn server and choose proxy ARP. It stated in the post. Without this, u won't be able to communicate with other systems on the LAN.


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