FortiGate Evaluation license activation for use on GNS3

Activating FortiGate licenses for evaluation in GNS3 involves a few steps. Please note that while GNS3 allows you to simulate FortiGate devices, you might need to have access to a valid FortiGate license for the evaluation. Here’s a general guide on how to activate a FortiGate license for evaluation in GNS3:

Steps to Activate FortiGate License Evaluation in GNS3

There are a few steps to follow to activate your Fortigate evaluation license for use on GNS3. These include getting your FortiGate image from the Fortinet support, downloading your FortiGate appliance from GNS3 Market place, importing the appliance and loading your image, and finally, activating your evaluation license. See the steps in details.

Get a FortiGate Image for your Device

Firstly, you need a FortiGate image that is compatible with your FortGate appliance on GNS3. This might require obtaining an image from a Fortinet support account or from authorized sources.

Install the FortiGate Image in GNS3

Download the Fortigate appliance from the gns3 marketplace and import the same to your GNS3 platform. Your FortiGate image will be automatically detected and loaded into your gns3 appliance and ready for activation.

Configure the FortiGate Device

In a new GNS3 project, drag your FortiGate appliance to your workspace. Also drag the NAT and cloud appliances to your workspace. Ensure that your FortiGate is connected to the NAT appliance on port 1 and the cloud appliance on port 2. Power on the FortiGate device, console into it and configure basic settings like interfaces, IP addresses, allowed access types (ping and https) etc., to bring it online.

FortiGate Evaluation License Activation

Log in to your FortiGate appliance via https and proceed with evaluation license activation. Follow the steps in the video below to get your FortiGate device up and running in no time. 

Notes: Ensure that the FortiGate image used in GNS3 supports evaluation licenses and is compatible with the GNS3 environment. Obtaining a valid license key for evaluation purposes is crucial. Fortinet typically provides evaluation licenses for a limited period. 

Remember, activating licenses should comply with Fortinet’s terms and conditions, especially regarding evaluation or trial licenses. Always refer to Fortinet’s official documentation or support for accurate and updated information on license activation and usage. 

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