Add and configure Juniper routers on GNS3

You can add and configure Juniper routers on GNS3 within a few minutes by following the quick and easy steps I am going to be explaining in this post. The Junos OS is the same across all Juniper routers, making the GNS3 an ideal platform to learn the use of the Junos CLI commands for free.

If you are a Cisco certified network engineer/administrator who has spent so much time using the Cisco ios and ios-xe, you would find the Junos OS a bit odd and different from what you are already used to. This is not a problem. The video embedded in this post will show you all you need to quickly get started with Juniper routers on GN3 for free.

Add Juniper router on GNS3

There are various options for achieving this object but I am going with the quickest. First, you need to have your GNS3 properly installed and linked with your GNS3 VM. Then, download and install Virtual box. Thirdly, download the Junos Olive ova file from Juniper website or any other website. Double-click on the downloaded Junos file to have it automatically opened in Virtual box and follow the steps to quickly provision your Junos Virtual box VM.

Link your Junos Virtual Box Instance to GNS3

After you have installed your Junos Vm on Virtual box, the next step is to link it to GNS3 for use. To do this, simply click on edit, preference, virtual box VM, enter a name for your Junos GNS3 instance and follow the steps in the video to finish.

Juniper initial configuration on GNS3

Click and drag your newly installed Juniper router to your GNS3 workspace and power it on for configuration. Once fully booted and ready to be configured, console in and type in “cli” to move from the Linux platform to Junos CLI where you will be able to configure your device.You will need to set a root password for the default root account. Then, you can assign IP addresses to your router interfaces and test end-to-end connectivity. The entire steps have been duly capture in the video below. Kindly follow through to add and configure Juniper routers on GNS3.

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