Google introduces Family Link. A feature that lets parents control what their kids do on Android devices.

 What if you were
given the power to decide what applications your kids can download and install on
their phone? What if you can determine the amount of time they spend on the
phone, get a monthly weekly/monthly report of their activities or vested with the
power to remotely lock their phones when it’s bed or study time? 
With the world
moving towards internet of things, Google believes equipping your kids with
devices needed to succeed in this fast-paced digital world is inevitable, but then, you
also have a means of keeping an eye on what they do. To make sure that parents
are not in the dark concerning what their kids do on phone, Google has
introduce The Family Link, a feature that lets parents keep up with what their
kids do on their mobile devices.

How does it work.

To set up Google Family Link, Parents are required to create accounts for their kids while setting up a device for them. If the age entered is less than
13, parent will be asked for consent to create account. Once approved, Family
link will be  downloaded automatically to
the kid’s device. From there, parent can choose apps and settings for their kid’s
device. After this, parent must download Family Link on their own Android
device as well.
What parents can do
from their own devices.
>> Manage the
applications their kids use: Determine whether kinds can download any app by
either approving or blocking download requests from kid’s device.
>> Keep an eye
on screen time: See the amount of time kids spend using their favorite apps
through weekly or monthly reports and set daily limit spent on such
>> Set device
bedtime: Remotely lock down kids’ device so they can study, go to bed or do
something else.
This is more like
putting the power of a domain controller in the hands old folks. It will only take
a while before these parents will realize they played themselves. These kids
are going to lock them out of their own devices.
My question is, what
if a smart kids decides to reset the “dummy device” then login with a different
Google account whose age is higher than 13, thereby bypassing the need for
parental approval? What do you think would happen?
What do you think
about this feature? Do you think is a smart move or do you think it will fizzle
away with time? Let’s hear from you.

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