Android 8.0 Oreo now available for Sony Xperia XZ Premium users

Sony Xperia XZ Premium users can rejoice as Sony has just announced that
it will begin the rolling out of Android 8.0 Oreo on the device starting from
today, making Sony one of the very few Android device manufacturers to make
Android Oreo available in its final form to their users.
Announcing the update via its blog, the company
highlighted some of the new features on the Xperia XZ Premium that come with
the Android Oreo software update. Some of the features include the 3D creator-
a feature that allows you scan and render digital 3D models of objects which
can be edited and shared. 

Two other camera features that come with the update
are Predictive Capture (smile) and Autofocus Burst. Predictive Capture
allows automatic capture of photos if the software detects that the subject is
smiling. It produces a collection of photos from which the user can choose the
best among them. This happens even without the user hitting the shutter button.
Autofocus on its part, can be used to capture less blurry images of an object
in motion.
Another feature that comes with the update is enhanced
audio quality. This comes as a result of tuning improvement on the front-facing
Sony said the update will come in stages and should take a few weeks for it to be available to all

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