How to copy files from computers without using a flash drive,HDD or CD.

One of the most common ways we copy files from computers is through the use of flash drives. As cool as this method is, it is one of the causes of computer virus infection. Copying files from other computers through the use of infested flash drives will leave your system infested, bringing serious damages to your files. To prevent this from happening to you, I will show you how easy it is to transfer files from one computer to another just by using a network cable or wifi.

So you are in the office with your computer connected to the office network, it could through wireless or LAN, and you need to copy a file or a folder from a colleague’s computer. No need to whine about not having a flash. Simply follow the steps below to copy movies, music, pictures or documents from any computer that is on the same network with yours without using flash drives, external hard disk or a CD. Did I also say it is very fast too? Yes, it is!

>>> Create a folder on the computer that hosts the files you want to copy and move the files into the newly created folder. If the files are already in a folder, then no need to create a new folder.
>>Right click on the folder >>Share with >> Specific people

In the dialog box that will appear, select everyone and click on share.

Next, go to the computer that needs to copy the folder,make sure it is on the same network with the one hosting the files you need to copy, open your window explorer and type in the IP address of the computer hosting the files, e.g, type in assuming that is the IP address. followed by the IP address of the computer hosting the file as shown below:

Once you have entered the correct IP and hit the enter key, you will be asked for username and password. This is the username and password of the computer whose file you want to copy. Enter the username and password and you will be presented with all the public folders on that computer. Locate the one containing the files you seek and copy it to your computer.
That is it guys. No software, flash drive, external hard disk, or CD required. Just connect to the same network and share. If you are at home or in an office where there is no network, simply get a network cable and connect the two computers, assign them IP addresses from the same network and you are good to go. Thanks for reading and please like our page.
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