Having treated how to subnet class B and Class C addresses, I did mention that class A was next in line. Starting from class C,
then to class B was a deliberate move since it is easier to understand C simply because it has less host bits (8) than the rest. With class A you have a total of 24 host bits to manipulate. In this demonstration, I will share with us how to subnet class A addresses with three examples. The examples have been carefully selected to address issues students face when subnetting class A addresses. Lets get going.
0-27; usable is 1-26. What this means is that if the values in the first octet of an IP fall between 0 and 127, then that IP is a class A address, although you can only use from 1 to 126.
that the given IP and subnetmask will produce
per subnet generated in (i) above
table, list the subnets, first, last and broadcast IPs in each subnet.
where x equals the number of bits borrowed. If the default subnetmask for class
A is /8 which is and we are given /10 in this question, it therefore
means we borrowed 2 bits. Substituting 2 into the formula, we have 2^2=4. We
have 4 subnets.
subnets=2^y-2, where y equals the number of off bits. To get our off bit is
simple. 32-10=22. IPv4 is a 32-bit address but we are give /10 in this
question, therefore, we simply subtract 10 from 32 to get 22. Now substituting 22 into
the formula, we get 2^22-2=4,194,302. we will have 4,194,302 per each of the
four subnets.
to be able to list out subnets. Block size is 256-192=64. Because the subnet
bit falls in the second octet, we will list our subnets with the change
happening in the second octet.
First IP
Last IP
(ii) The number of hosts per subnet generated in (i) above
(iii) With the aid of a table, list the subnets, first, last and broadcast IPs in each subnet./17=
(i) Number of subnets=2^9=512
(ii) Number of hosts per subnet=2^15-2=32,766
First eight, using the last three octet( that 0.0.0 instead of, just because of space)
subnets | 0.0.0 | 0.128.0 | 1.0.0 | 1.128.0 | 2.0.0 | 2.128.0 | 3.0.0 | 3.128.0 |
First IP | 0.0.1 | 0.128.1 | 1.0.1 | 1.128.1 | 2.0.1 | 2.128.1 | 3.0.1 | 3.128.1 |
Last IP | 0.127.254 | 0.255.254 | 1.127.254 | 1.255.254 | 2.127.254 | 2.255.254 | 3.127.254 | 3.255.254 |
Broadcast | 0.127.255 | 0.255.255 | 1.127.255 | 1.255.255 | 2.127.255 | 2.255.2555 | 3.127.255 | 3.255.255 |
Last eight, using the last three octets (0.0.0 instead of, just because of space)
Subnet | 252.0.0 | 252.128.0 | 253.0.0 | 253.128.0 | 254.0.0 | 254.128.0 | 255.0.0 | 255.128.0 |
First IP | 252.0.1 | 252.128.1 | 253.0.1 | 253.128.1 | 25454.0.1 | 254.128.1 | 255.0.1 | 255.128.1 |
Last IP | 252.127.254 | 252.255.254 | 253.127.254 | 253.255.254 | 254.127.254 | 254.255.254 | 255.127.254 | 255.255.254 |
BC | 252.127.255 | 252.255.255 | 253.127.255 | 253.255.255 | 254.127.255 | 254.255.2555 | 255.127.255 | 255.255.255 |
(ii) The number of hosts per subnet generated in (i) above
(iii) With the aid of a table, list the subnets, first, last and broadcast IPs in each subnet./24=
(i) Number of subnets=2^16=65,536
(ii) Number of hosts=2^8-2=254
(iii) Our valid subnets, hosts and broadcasts are as given in the tables below:
First eight subnets, using the last three octets:
Subnet | 0.0.0 | 0.1.0 | 0.2.0 | 0.3.0 | 0.4.0 | 0.5.0 | 0.6.0 | 0.7.0 |
First IP | 0.0.1 | 0.1.1 | 0.2.1 | 0.3.1 | 0.4.1 | 0.5.1 | 0.6.1 | 0.7.1 |
Last IP | 0.0.254 | 0.1.254 | 0.2.254 | 0.3.254 | 0.4.254 | 0.5.254 | 0.6.254 | 0.7.254 |
BC | 0.0.255 | 0.1.255 | 0.2.255 | 0.3.255 | 0.4.255 | 0.5.255 | 0.6.255 | 0.7.255 |
Last eight subnets, using the last three octets:
Sub | 255.248.0 | 255.249.0 | 255.250.0 | 255.251.0 | 255.252.0 | 255.253.0 | 255.254.0 | 255.255.0 |
First IP | 255.248.1 | 255.249.1 | 255.250.1 | 255.251.1 | 255.252.1 | 255.253.1 | 255.254.1 | 255.255.1 |
Last IP | 255.248.254 | 255.249.254 | 255.250.254 | 255.251.254 | 255.252.254 | 255.253.254 | 255.254.254 | 255.255.254 |
BC | 255.248.255 | 255.249.255 | 255.250.255 | 255.251.255 | 255.252.255 | 255.253.255 | 255.254.255 | 255.255.255 |
All questions regarding this should be dropped in the comment box. Thank you.